Tuesday, October 27, 2009

A Combine and Stewardship

I just finished up my first sermon for our Stewardship Series that begins this Sunday. I worked on my sermon from home this morning so I could have a view. Sometimes having an office with no windows makes me feel a little confined. While I was working on my sermon I heard a loud humming sound. I looked out the corner of the window and I could (still can) see a large combine beginning to harvest the neighbor's corn field.
How interesting that while I am working on the Stewardship Sermon series that the corn in the backyard would be harvested. The neighbors could have left the corn there. They could have spent all that time, energy and money in planting and caring for the corn and then watch it die. But instead they are harvesting it so that they and others will experience the flavor and nourishment of tasty corn. You see what's coming next, right?
I guess God could give us all gifts, resources, relationships and abilities and never expect to harvest those things, right? Maybe God just wanted us to look cool and that was it. Or, maybe God has an expectation? Maybe God desires a harvest from his investment? Consider it- metaphorically at least. I don't want anyone running over to my house and jumping in front of the combine!

Monday, October 26, 2009

The Gospel of John- 2 endings?

Yesterday at the 9am service I mentioned that I would blog on John's 2 possible endings, since I was short on sermon time. John 20 ends with this verse, "But these are written so that you may come to believe that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God, and that through believing you may have life in his name." That seems like a really good ending, right? The resurrected Jesus appears to the disciples in the Upper Room, has a good talk with Doubting Thomas, and moves on. But then there is chapter 21. My primary commentary (Beasley-Murray) indicates that John 21 was possibly added later as an addendum. This could have been done by the original author, John, or by one of his disciples. John 21 does feel different from the rest of the Gospel if you read it in entirety. However, 300 years later, all 21 chapters of John are canonized at the Council of Laodicea and included in the first Christian Bible. So, whether it was a part of the original text or added later, it is still a part of a holy document that God and the Church saw fit for Christian history and education. Just a little canon FYI:)

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Book Update- "Direct Hit"

I'm taking a Pastoral Leadership Development class that our United Methodist Conference is offering. We read a different book every month. This month we are reading "Direct Hit" by Paul D. Borden. It's a book about Leadership and Communication. I'd invite you to get it and read it with me. The most insightful quote from Chapter One is "Healthy congregations are outward-focused, and they maintain that focus against tremendous forces that are constantly encouraging an inward bent. Such congregations are led by leaders who regularly implement change. Such leaders create an environment where change becomes the norm and maintaining the status quo is unacceptable."
While I worked at Starbucks change was always a part of the game. They were changing things every 3-4 months. No one really liked it, but we knew that was part of the job so eventually we got used to it. I'm not sure I can imagine a church like that, but that is what Borden seems to promote. There would definitely be positives and negatives to that perspective. More to come later.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

"Glee" Show

Finally, a tv show that Kim and I both enjoy. Actually, a lot of people enjoy it. I think when something begins to be a cultural phenomenon, we should all pay attention. Just watch the itunes top 25 chart on Thursdays and you can see what type of immediate impact this tv show is having. I admit, it is a little edgy when it comes to its sexual overtones- but look at what its about- high school. I've noticed with every episode it is pushing that envelope a little harder, so be warned.
I do like the message that it is advocating. In an age of school shootings and internet bullying, Glee's message is that being cool is overdone. What really matters is friendship, sacrifice and commitment. The lines of "who is cool" becomes blurred when football players and cheerleaders are also doing show choir. And since I had a lot of good friends that were in show choir in high school, I find the tension especially hilarious! As far as the plot, I'm just glad someone was paying attention when former "Doogie Howser" star, Patrick Harris, put out the "for internet only" show named "Dr. Horrible's Sing A Long Blog" a couple years back. The show was very similar with it's musical theme and was insanely popular for something that never aired on tv. So, what else have you learned about our culture by watching "Glee"?

Monday, October 19, 2009

Solo Retreat to Eureka Springs

Got away for a few days last week. I try to unplug for 48 hours about once a month in order to recharge the fuel cells. I find the outdoors very serene and peaceful, no matter what time of the year. For some reason I especially love the cold as well. I packed up and headed for Eureka Springs, Arkansas last Thursday. I fly fished for trout on Beaver Creek on the other side of Beaver Dam. I did pretty well! I also read about 20% of the Psalms in preparation for the Psalms Sermon Series as well. Overall, it was a very fun, relaxing trip! If you want to see more of my pictures from the trip you can check them out at http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=332468&id=527555092&l=e7770c9766.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Bishops Blog


Above is the link to Bishop Schnase's current blog on "Pruning". It's focused on churches that want to overcome stagnancy. I found it very insightful and helpful as the pastoral-leader of our church. Check it out, you might find it helpful, too.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Apple Fest!

This is a picture of a hollow point bullet traveling through an apple, which encapsulates the energy and excitement of our community for Apple Fest this year! For my family, this will be our first Weston Apple Fest. Kim, Alexis and I are looking forward to helping the church sell pies and the community sell apple-butter. Some of my extended family will come to the Fest on Sunday and I look forward to showing them around. We are all looking forward to a great weekend! Hope to see you all soon:)