Thursday, September 30, 2010

People vs. Tasks

Some days I can't make up my mind: Am I a relational person or a task oriented person? I just finished a preaching series on relationships, yet it's very easy to forget their importance. As a small church pastor I have so many things that need to get done that no one else is going to get done, unless I delegate, but that's another blog. I guess that's one thing this pastor is learning from his community, the value of relationships. The value of stopping in for coffee or just catching up on life. To visit with someone is to let go of what's on your mind and lay it aside for the sake of the conversation; another valuable lesson. How much of what "has to get done" could really be laid aside? Is the "task" going to miss me if I don't visit; probably not? But a person will miss me . . . or you.