Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Events at Weston United Methodist Church

This week's events at Weston UMC!

Theophilus Concert- Saturday, Feb. 5th, 7-10pm
Youth Ministry Event! The band, Theophilus, will be in concert in our sanctuary this Saturday. Following the concert we will have pizza and pop available for both a $1 a piece. The "Truck Stop" will also be open after the concert if you would like to play pool or catch a movie.

Superbowl Party- Sunday, Feb. 6th, 4:45pm-end of game
Corry and Cynthia Holmes are hosting a church Superbowl Party at their home, 21945 County Road M.( They have plenty of areas to watch the game from and children are welcomed. Everyone is welcomed to come and bring friends. If you are able, please bring a food item. Feel free to also bring whatever games and activities you would like.

The "Job Seeking Workshop Interest Meeting" that was scheduled for Monday, January 31st was rescheduled for Monday, February 28th from 6:30-8pm.

Sunday Worship Services
9am- Contemporary Service
10am- Sunday School Classes for Children and Adults
11am- Traditional Service
Sermon Series for February: Why the Romans Need Straightening Out (Lessons from the Book of Romans)