Monday, December 28, 2009

2010 Challenge

Yesterday at our worship service I preached the last sermon in the Series: Waiting on God. I challenged everyone to stop waiting to move closer to God and take up a new discipline for 2010: prayer, daily scripture reading, create a small group, get a mentor, etc. So, did anyone make any decisions to take a step towards God? What's your commitment to?

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Christmas Eve Service at Weston UMC

So here is the plan. I'm going to run over to the church around noon and scatter ice melt all over the walkways and parking area. I'm also going to do the same at the parsonage so I can get out of the driveway tonight. If all of that ice melt does what it is supposed to do I will be very hesitant to cancel service tonight. If it is the perfect storm, than I will update my facebook profile, do a cancellation blog, send out an email to the email list and if I can get to the church I will change the phone message and put up a sign. But, like I said before, the plan is Christmas Eve Service at 6pm at Weston UMC. Our family looks forward to seeing you all tonight!

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Good Sermons on the Financial Crisis

I try to listen to a few podcast sermons a week. Adam Hamilton at Church of the Resurrection (United Methodist) just finished a great sermon series that addresses the financial crunch that many of us have experienced first hand. His sermons address greed, evil, consumerism, relationships and the love of things (there's a word for that, I just can't remember it). The three week series is named "After the Fire" and you can listen to the sermons at If you have time I would highly recommend them!

Friday, December 11, 2009

Giving away hobbies for Christmas

I've realized lately that I have too many hobbies! I've spoken to a couple of people lately who have realized that they need one. Hobbies are good for a lot of reasons. They help with stress by distracting us from the difficulties of life and work. We hopefully get excited when we have opportunities to do our hobby. Sometimes a hobby can help keep us physically fit. Overall, hobbies can be a healthy part of life. Christmas is always difficult because I can't figure out what items to ask for because of all my hobbies. So, I want to give you one of my hobbies this year for Christmas. Just let me know which one you want off of the list below:
Fly Fishing (Trout)
Duck/Goose Hunting
Turkey Hunting
Fly Tying
Quail/Pheasant/Rabbit Hunting
Bass Fishing
Northern/Walleye Fishing

Thanks, enjoy!

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Prayer Request- Calissa H.

Last night I went to Childrens Mercy Hospital to visit with Cindy H. Corry and Cindy's daughter, Calissa, went back into the hospital because of a bowel obstruction. She had surgery again and is recovering. They are hoping she will get to come home today. Please continue to pray for Calissa and her recovery.

Monday, November 30, 2009

Genesis 15:17> A New View!

So I downloaded an app on my iphone that allow me to do a daily reading plan. Since I'm only a couple weeks into it I'm in Genesis. While reading Genesis 15:17 a couple of days ago I had an "aha" moment. Scripture is cool like that, it will never cease to surprise you if you commit to being a life long student of it.

In 15:17 God is proving to Abram that he will be a father of many nations. He also tells Abram that his descendants will be in captivity for 400 years but they will eventually escape and go to a land that will be their own. In order to prove His power, God asks Abram to cut a bunch of cattle in half and lay them "half over against each other". Later that night God has a torch and a smoking pot travel between the two lines of slaughtered animals; through the blood. Now this sounds familiar, doesn't it?! Later in Exodus, the Hebrews escape Egypt. God was present with them as a pillar of fire by night and a pillar of smoke by day. Now maybe I'm reaching but do you see the similarity: smoking pot=pillar of smoke and torch=pillar of fire?

Now the theological similarity. With Abram a covenant was made as the fire and the smoke passed through the blood. With Moses the people were saved as the fire and smoke passed through the water. God made a covenant through the blood and saved them through the water. Almost 2000 years later Jesus saved us through the shedding of his blood and gave us the waters of baptism as a sacrament of salvation- through the blood and the water (also check out 1 John 5:6-8).

So, here are the symbols through out scripture that are full of power: smoke, fire, blood and water. What kind of emotions and memories do these symbols evoke for you?

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

My Weekend in Greensburg and The Combined Service

Here is my hole. Three feet deep and three feet across. I drove over to Greensburg, Kansas with Pat last Thursday. We met with Rogers and his son and son-in-law for a solid day of work. I dug a hole for concrete, chipped concrete corners, unloaded a lumber truck and helped put a roof on a room. So, when I challenged you all (WUMC) to get dirty for the Gospel, you can see I meant it:) There will be other opportunities to go and help the town that was devastated by a mile long tornado two years ago. Take the opportunity, you won't be sorry. I'll show more pictures this Sunday at the COMBINED (10am) SERVICE this Sunday. Remember to bring some food for the Pot Luck after wards as well- I'll be hungry after stuffing myself all week:) Have a Happy Thanksgiving!

Friday, November 13, 2009

Prayer Request- Paul M.

Today while I was at Rotary, Paul M. who attends Holy Trinity Catholic Church had a heart attack. It was a pretty scary deal, but luckily there was a trained, professional medic available. We called 911 and the ambulance came and rushed him to the hospital. I spoke to Father Charles a while ago and he said Paul received a pace maker today and should be out tomorrow. Wow! How's that for pronto!! Please pray for Paul and his recovery.

Backyard Deer Pictures!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

The Pieces Come Together!

Ministry can be a lot of work. Sometimes it's a lot of work for not a lot of results. I don't operate well that way. I'm admittedly very reward oriented. A few things have come together lately that feel very rewarding and they all involve leadership. Linda Scouby did a great job this weekend as our new Volunteer Coordinator. I'm very excited about Linda's commitment to volunteerism. This week's new news began on Monday with a phone call from Kim Kirby. Kim agreed to be our Church Council Chair! Kim is ministry driven and I believe she will do a great job as our new Council Chair. The third surprise came after a meeting with one of our high school students. We decided we needed to move forward on organizing youth ministry even though we hadn't received another two adult leaders. Kylee has a strong faith life and even though she is in high school, she feels ready to be a leader to her peers. However, she also would love to have adults join her in leading and loving our teens. Which made last night even more amazing when Rogers Strickland let me know that he wanted to help with our Youth Ministry next year!
In the words of Hannibal on the A-Team, "I love it when a plan comes together"! Remember, nothing happens without leadership. Thank you to those who are stepping forward and picking up the scepter of leadership:)

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

What is Charge Conference?

WUMC Charge Conference- Tonight at 6pm (Dinner) and 7pm (Meeting)

I've had many folks ask me the question lately, "What is Charge Conference"? And that is a very good question. As a new lead pastor, I've been asking myself that a lot lately. Actually, I just took 10 minutes and looked up "Charge Conference" in the United Methodist Book of Discipline. Here is the best synopsis sentence I found,
"The primary responsibilities of the charge conference in the annual meeting shall be to review and evaluate the total mission and ministry of the church, receive reports, and adopt objectives and goals recommended by the church council that are in keeping with the objectives of the United Methodist Church." - p. 160, 2008 Book of Discipline
Tonight we are going to have fellowship. We will eat together, approve a few things and hear from our District Superintendent and Bishop (via video). It's a good time to get together and pray for our local church, our denomination and our global faith. I hope to see you tonight for my first Charge Conference as WUMC's pastor:)

Monday, November 2, 2009

This weekend at WUMC!

What’s Going on this Week with WUMC!

Charge Conference- Wednesday the 4th

Be here at 6pm for the Potluck Dinner. We will have turkey along with what other delicious side dishes you bring along as well. Our District Superintendent, Susan Cox, will join us for dinner and the evening. After dinner, we will have the business section of the evening and watch a video message from our Missouri Bishop, Robert Schnase. This is an annual time of celebration and fellowship for our church- hope you can join us!

Campout at the Stricklands’ – Friday the 6th and Saturday the 7th

It is going to be a beautiful weekend- 70’s and sunny! Come out Friday night for a bonfire and hayride around 6pm. Feel free to stay in the Stricklands’ lodge or campout next to the pond! We will have breakfast and a time of worship and devotion Saturday morning. We will have breakfast (pancakes) between 8am-9am and worship/devotion shortly after. Feel free to go on a hike or fish in the pond the rest of the morning.

Stewardship Series- Volunteerism: An Inward Focus- Sunday the 8th

This Sunday the teaching segment will be on Volunteerism: An Inward Focus. A Gifts/Volunteer Survey was included in the Newsletter. You may have picked yours up on Sunday, if not you should receive it in the mail this week. Please consider filling the Survey out before our service on Sunday and bringing it with you. If you would like to download it, print it off and fill out additional Surveys, you can find it on our web site, ; click on the top tool bar FORMS and click “Interest & Talent Survey” to print the form. At the close of the service this weekend you will have an opportunity to bring your surveys forward to the kneeling rail area.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

A Combine and Stewardship

I just finished up my first sermon for our Stewardship Series that begins this Sunday. I worked on my sermon from home this morning so I could have a view. Sometimes having an office with no windows makes me feel a little confined. While I was working on my sermon I heard a loud humming sound. I looked out the corner of the window and I could (still can) see a large combine beginning to harvest the neighbor's corn field.
How interesting that while I am working on the Stewardship Sermon series that the corn in the backyard would be harvested. The neighbors could have left the corn there. They could have spent all that time, energy and money in planting and caring for the corn and then watch it die. But instead they are harvesting it so that they and others will experience the flavor and nourishment of tasty corn. You see what's coming next, right?
I guess God could give us all gifts, resources, relationships and abilities and never expect to harvest those things, right? Maybe God just wanted us to look cool and that was it. Or, maybe God has an expectation? Maybe God desires a harvest from his investment? Consider it- metaphorically at least. I don't want anyone running over to my house and jumping in front of the combine!

Monday, October 26, 2009

The Gospel of John- 2 endings?

Yesterday at the 9am service I mentioned that I would blog on John's 2 possible endings, since I was short on sermon time. John 20 ends with this verse, "But these are written so that you may come to believe that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God, and that through believing you may have life in his name." That seems like a really good ending, right? The resurrected Jesus appears to the disciples in the Upper Room, has a good talk with Doubting Thomas, and moves on. But then there is chapter 21. My primary commentary (Beasley-Murray) indicates that John 21 was possibly added later as an addendum. This could have been done by the original author, John, or by one of his disciples. John 21 does feel different from the rest of the Gospel if you read it in entirety. However, 300 years later, all 21 chapters of John are canonized at the Council of Laodicea and included in the first Christian Bible. So, whether it was a part of the original text or added later, it is still a part of a holy document that God and the Church saw fit for Christian history and education. Just a little canon FYI:)

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Book Update- "Direct Hit"

I'm taking a Pastoral Leadership Development class that our United Methodist Conference is offering. We read a different book every month. This month we are reading "Direct Hit" by Paul D. Borden. It's a book about Leadership and Communication. I'd invite you to get it and read it with me. The most insightful quote from Chapter One is "Healthy congregations are outward-focused, and they maintain that focus against tremendous forces that are constantly encouraging an inward bent. Such congregations are led by leaders who regularly implement change. Such leaders create an environment where change becomes the norm and maintaining the status quo is unacceptable."
While I worked at Starbucks change was always a part of the game. They were changing things every 3-4 months. No one really liked it, but we knew that was part of the job so eventually we got used to it. I'm not sure I can imagine a church like that, but that is what Borden seems to promote. There would definitely be positives and negatives to that perspective. More to come later.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

"Glee" Show

Finally, a tv show that Kim and I both enjoy. Actually, a lot of people enjoy it. I think when something begins to be a cultural phenomenon, we should all pay attention. Just watch the itunes top 25 chart on Thursdays and you can see what type of immediate impact this tv show is having. I admit, it is a little edgy when it comes to its sexual overtones- but look at what its about- high school. I've noticed with every episode it is pushing that envelope a little harder, so be warned.
I do like the message that it is advocating. In an age of school shootings and internet bullying, Glee's message is that being cool is overdone. What really matters is friendship, sacrifice and commitment. The lines of "who is cool" becomes blurred when football players and cheerleaders are also doing show choir. And since I had a lot of good friends that were in show choir in high school, I find the tension especially hilarious! As far as the plot, I'm just glad someone was paying attention when former "Doogie Howser" star, Patrick Harris, put out the "for internet only" show named "Dr. Horrible's Sing A Long Blog" a couple years back. The show was very similar with it's musical theme and was insanely popular for something that never aired on tv. So, what else have you learned about our culture by watching "Glee"?

Monday, October 19, 2009

Solo Retreat to Eureka Springs

Got away for a few days last week. I try to unplug for 48 hours about once a month in order to recharge the fuel cells. I find the outdoors very serene and peaceful, no matter what time of the year. For some reason I especially love the cold as well. I packed up and headed for Eureka Springs, Arkansas last Thursday. I fly fished for trout on Beaver Creek on the other side of Beaver Dam. I did pretty well! I also read about 20% of the Psalms in preparation for the Psalms Sermon Series as well. Overall, it was a very fun, relaxing trip! If you want to see more of my pictures from the trip you can check them out at

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Bishops Blog

Above is the link to Bishop Schnase's current blog on "Pruning". It's focused on churches that want to overcome stagnancy. I found it very insightful and helpful as the pastoral-leader of our church. Check it out, you might find it helpful, too.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Apple Fest!

This is a picture of a hollow point bullet traveling through an apple, which encapsulates the energy and excitement of our community for Apple Fest this year! For my family, this will be our first Weston Apple Fest. Kim, Alexis and I are looking forward to helping the church sell pies and the community sell apple-butter. Some of my extended family will come to the Fest on Sunday and I look forward to showing them around. We are all looking forward to a great weekend! Hope to see you all soon:)

Monday, September 28, 2009

Remember to Pray

Yesterday I challenged everyone to pray for the future direction of our church; where is God leading us? I plan on asking God for direction everyday this week. I hope you will join me in committing to this prayer as well! And I've already had one person come in and joke with me about my museum- good thing you all have a sense of humor:)

Friday, September 25, 2009

Addition to Book List

My newest edition to my book list is "Eight Life-Enriching Practices of United Methodists" by Henry (or Hal) Knight. Hal is a professor at St. Paul Seminary in K.C. and is a fantastic Wesleyan theologian! I'm into the third chapter of his book and already finding it very beneficial. If you are looking for a book on spiritual disciplines and spiritual formation, I would recommend Hal's "Eight Life-Enriching Practices of United Methodists". I even have an extra copy:)

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Feeding the Angel, Purging the Demon

Simple, regular practices make us healthier people. I'm attempting to create two morning practices that make me a healthier person; I like to think of it as Feeding the Angel and Purging the Demon. I try to spend some time during each day in prayer, meditation, scripture or other growth focused reading; this is how I feed my angel (so to speak). I also try to exercise almost everyday. The picture is of the home gym in my basement that my brother's, father-in-law graciously gave to me. I rotate weights with mountain biking during the week. When I do this I discipline my body, push it hard, focus my energy and purge my demon (so to speak- again). Both of these practices help me with stress management and creating a more peaceful me. How do you feed your angel and purge your demon?

Monday, September 14, 2009

November Stewardship Series

November Stewardship Series

We will wrap up our series on the Gospel of John at the end of October and begin a new series. In November we will begin to talk about Stewardship which is an essential part of discipleship. A healthy church thrives on disciples who are committed to regular stewardship practices. The last two weeks will present opportunities for us to pledge our gifts of volunteer service and financial offerings to our church. Please begin to prayerfully consider how you will grow in discipleship and stewardship in 2010.

Week 1: What Stewardship Has to do With Discipleship?

Week 2: Missions: An Outward Response

Week 3: Volunteerism: An Inward Response

Week 4: Financial Gifts: Supporting Ministries and Mission