Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Backyard Bobcat!

It was just about sundown on one of those really foggy days this week when I saw a kitty prowling in the backyard. Only this kitty was a little bigger than most and moved a little differently. He had a short tail and a white chest and could jump very high. What do you think- bobcat or kitty?

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Join me in Prayer for the Normans

This morning I lift up my suffering friends. Please continue to give Sue courage and strength. Allow her to give all the love she can muster to her family and to rest herself sufficiently. Father, please give your daughter peace, joy and faith despite her slowly failing body. As Tori and Emily are in school today, help them to enjoy their friendships and receive love from others. Holy Spirit, please walk with them and give moments of comfort amongst a time of chaos and fear. Continue to give strength to your son, Paul. Give him guidance and knowledge in the days and weeks ahead. Give him clarity as he cares for his family and makes the best decisions he can amongst deep pain and loss. Be with their extended families as they travel back and forth to visit and offer support- please keep them safe. And Lord, comfort the Weston community as they grieve and hurt for this family. Store up within us an enduring care and love as our time to help will last for months, years and lifetimes. We need your help Lord! Be with our friends and give them everything they need to sustain the day.
It's in the name of your Son that we pray today Lord,

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

The Normans-Prayer Request

I spoke with Paul Norman this morning. Susan's liver is beginning to shut down and therefore she can't receive any more chemo treatments. Without chemo treatments the cancer will take over her body at a quick rate. The doctors believe she has days to weeks to live at this point. Her extended family is coming into town soon to be with her during this extremely difficult time. Paul is preparing an email that will go out to everyone on the church email list soon. Please pray for the Normans and for the safe arrival of their families in the days to come.