Thursday, April 22, 2010

Weston UMC State of the Union

On Sunday, April 18th I gave two mini sermons during worship in order to address some different things going on in the life of our church; in other words, a state of the union address for Weston UMC. If you missed services that day, I’d like to update you on some very positive things going on in our church:

1) Walk to Emmaus: Kim and I both experience the Walk to Emmaus weekend retreat. It was a very positive experience and I would recommend it to anyone who is new to faith, needing some encouragement or faith answers, has recently gone through some traumatic life experiences, is spiritually dry or would like to grow some new friendships. It’s a great time and you won’t regret it.

2) Be who God has created you to be: All of you have been created by God with specific gifts and passions. Stop feeling the pressure to live into the molds that others create for you and learn to joyfully be who God has designed you to be.

3) Lay Preaching: I believe in the power of lay preaching and am encouraging people within our congregation to share their stories, passions and Biblical perspectives on life during Sunday morning worship. I believe the voices within the congregation are as equally powerful as the voice sent to minister to the congregation. Please support them with your attendance, prayers and encouragement.

4) Church Finances: A) In the last seven months our General Fund has grown from $2,500 to over $20,000. Your generosity has been overwhelming and this church is blessed because of it. B) Pennies from Heaven has given over $500 to four different individuals and 2 organizations in the last 2 months. C) Lately, many families/people have given generously to our church above and beyond their regular offerings. We have also become the benefactors of a life insurance policy left by Dorothy Voorhees who grew up here in Weston. We are waiting for a sum of $40,000 to arrive. D) With all that we have been blessed with, let’s remember that God calls us to serve and help. Let’s always experience tension between what we spend for ourselves and what we spend for others.

5) Spiritual Director Visits: I have had an increase in visits from individual and couples who would like spiritual direction. This is very positive and I would encourage anyone who desires such support to make an appointment for a visit.

6) How to Become a Member: If you would like to become a member of Weston UMC, please schedule an appointment with me.

7) Beware of Burnout: We have a lot of positive energy and many good things are going on. Make sure to stay spiritually healthy and as balanced in life as possible. Make a fair assessment of your church involvement and always communicate stress before the fall.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Spring, Easter Craziness

Praise the Lord, Spring is in the air! Yesterday I got bit by a mosquito, turned on the ac in the car and opened up the windows in the house. Today I wore sandals to work and saw turkeys frolicking in a field on my way to church. What a perfect week for Easter! I know that within me I have felt like something dead is coming alive. I have wanted to be outside so badly but it's been almost painful to try anything. But that has all changed- it was in the 80's yesterday! Alexis and I have been to the park two days in a row it's been so nice. Very soon I'll be mushroom hunting, fishing for crappie and hunting spring turkeys. If you want to spend some time with me just pick one and let's go do it:) Yeahhhh, Spring!