Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Article on United Methodist Reform


United Methodism has been declining fast for a long time. It's kind of like being on blood thinners and having a nose bleed; unless you get medical attention it's only a matter of time before you pass out. I am not fully ordained yet in the U.M. denomination and there have been a few times where I have strongly considered the fact that I am about to tie myself to the mast of a sinking ship. I did not grow up U.M. nor do I have any strong allegiance to the denomination through family or friends growing up.

I believe God has guided me towards the United Methodist Church and has called me to serve in a land (denomination) where I have no roots. After years and years of study, research and application I have become theologically U.M. This was not an easy process for me and I get very short with those who grew up U.M. and say that it all makes sense! It makes sense if you grew up in it but if you grew up in something very different (especially sacramentally) it takes a lot of re-learning to embrace theologically. However, we do have a phenomenal history and theology! We have some incredible building blocks that embrace a loving God and people of all backgrounds who are in desperate need of grace and friendship.

I believe the United Methodist church will experience renewal, but only after it hits rock bottom. It has to almost die in order for us to decide to reform The Book of Discipline and systems that worked well in the 1950's but not so much in 2010. According to this article we are finally getting close. Please pray for reform in our denomination. Pray that we will choose life, salvation and renewal and not limit ourselves to a heavy yolk that we have placed upon ourselves. After all, I'm pretty sure if John Wesley were here today he'd slap us around and give us a good scolding. And if that's Wesley, just think what Jesus would do:)?