Monday, December 28, 2009

2010 Challenge

Yesterday at our worship service I preached the last sermon in the Series: Waiting on God. I challenged everyone to stop waiting to move closer to God and take up a new discipline for 2010: prayer, daily scripture reading, create a small group, get a mentor, etc. So, did anyone make any decisions to take a step towards God? What's your commitment to?

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Christmas Eve Service at Weston UMC

So here is the plan. I'm going to run over to the church around noon and scatter ice melt all over the walkways and parking area. I'm also going to do the same at the parsonage so I can get out of the driveway tonight. If all of that ice melt does what it is supposed to do I will be very hesitant to cancel service tonight. If it is the perfect storm, than I will update my facebook profile, do a cancellation blog, send out an email to the email list and if I can get to the church I will change the phone message and put up a sign. But, like I said before, the plan is Christmas Eve Service at 6pm at Weston UMC. Our family looks forward to seeing you all tonight!

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Good Sermons on the Financial Crisis

I try to listen to a few podcast sermons a week. Adam Hamilton at Church of the Resurrection (United Methodist) just finished a great sermon series that addresses the financial crunch that many of us have experienced first hand. His sermons address greed, evil, consumerism, relationships and the love of things (there's a word for that, I just can't remember it). The three week series is named "After the Fire" and you can listen to the sermons at If you have time I would highly recommend them!

Friday, December 11, 2009

Giving away hobbies for Christmas

I've realized lately that I have too many hobbies! I've spoken to a couple of people lately who have realized that they need one. Hobbies are good for a lot of reasons. They help with stress by distracting us from the difficulties of life and work. We hopefully get excited when we have opportunities to do our hobby. Sometimes a hobby can help keep us physically fit. Overall, hobbies can be a healthy part of life. Christmas is always difficult because I can't figure out what items to ask for because of all my hobbies. So, I want to give you one of my hobbies this year for Christmas. Just let me know which one you want off of the list below:
Fly Fishing (Trout)
Duck/Goose Hunting
Turkey Hunting
Fly Tying
Quail/Pheasant/Rabbit Hunting
Bass Fishing
Northern/Walleye Fishing

Thanks, enjoy!

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Prayer Request- Calissa H.

Last night I went to Childrens Mercy Hospital to visit with Cindy H. Corry and Cindy's daughter, Calissa, went back into the hospital because of a bowel obstruction. She had surgery again and is recovering. They are hoping she will get to come home today. Please continue to pray for Calissa and her recovery.