Thursday, July 30, 2009

Nursing Home Visits

I visited some ladies today in Atchison, Kansas. The picture is of Percy and me. She is doing very well and hung out with me even though I interrupted Bingo. I found out Percy's grandfather was one of the pioneers who helped build Weston "U"MC (probably not a "U" in it 160 years ago). I also visited Elizabeth C., however she was a popular lady and had other guests shortly after my arrival. After visiting with Percy and Elizabeth C. I traveled a very short distance to visit Mary Edna. Although Mary wasn't able to communicate with me, I sat with her and enjoyed our time together as well. Please keep these ladies in your prayers. Even though they aren't living in our community they are still a part of our community. They enjoy visits and are encouraged by our prayers.

Parsonage Open House

This is a bad picture of the parsonage, but for some reason I didn't think to take a picture of the entire front side. To get a better view of the parsonage, drop by the "Parsonage Open House" this Sunday (2nd) from 2pm-4pm for dessert and a tour. Kim, Alexis and I would love you to see what we've done with the place! Hope you can make it because we are looking forward to your visit:)

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Sermon on "Work" and Funny Youtube Clip

Adam Hamilton at Church of the Resurrection preached a great sermon on "Work" last week. It focuses on how our secular jobs are a place for us to practice justice, kindness and encouragement; in essence they are our ministries. You can check his sermon out as a video from their website: or you can subscribe to the Church of the Resurrection (Adam Hamilton) podcast.

And this is just a hilarious video that Pat sent to me. It's a spoof on creating a better prayer life. Check it out at:

Monday, July 27, 2009

A Teaching Community

I think we have a lot to learn from one another. I thoroughly enjoy teaching and equally enjoy learning. There are a lot of individuals in our own community that have a lot to offer to those who want to learn. Some of you could teach through your life experiences, some through specialization and research, some through concepts and opinions. I hope to have some of your experiences in my blog. There will be days where you may disagree with something I have shared on Sunday morning or maybe you elaborate on something I stated. Don't be surprised if I ask you to put together an article on it. I'm not offended by differing ideas or expanding on ideas that I stated simplistically. I look forward to us all learning from one another! In closing, consider this great quote from our very own John Wesley:

"There are many doctrines of a less essential nature ... In these we may think and let think; we may 'agree to disagree.' But, meantime, let us hold fast the essentials..."
From -

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Identify the Call in Others

This is my friend Ben. Ben was one of my supervisors at Starbucks while I was in Kentucky. He has an incredible knowledge of scripture and a passion for Christian history and theology. He had plans to be a college professor but God has different plans for Ben. Several people (including me) indicated to him that perhaps he was called to pastoral ministry. Tonight I got to see Ben deliver his second sermon at his Episcopal Church where he is a layperson. Ben is obviously called to the ministry of Word and Sacrament! Most folks need some help identifying the call in their lives. Perhaps you could be the voice that helps someone else discern God's voice and calling. We need more people in ministry- young and old alike. Please, be courageous and ask the question if you know someone who might be gifted and called, "Have you considered ministry"?

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Inductive Bible Study Resources

This weekend I shared some excellent resources for the Inductive Bible Study Method. The Inductive Bible Study Method will greatly enhance your personal Bible study time and help create excellent interpretative habits. Consider the following resources:

Bible Study that Works by David Thompson
Methodical Bible Study,
by Robert Traina
How to Study Your Bible, Lasting Rewards of the Inductive Method by Kay Arthur

Monday, July 20, 2009

My Mentor

One of my major priorities for my first month in Weston was to find a spiritual mentor. I believe that there is a lot to gain in mentoring relationships. In order for me to serve as a good mentor to others I believe I should be spiritually mentored as well. Jeff Brinkman is the Senior Pastor at Woods Chapel UMC in Lee's Summit. When I met with Jeff at his church he introduced me to every member on his staff. And I noticed with every introduction came a "thank you" or a compliment to most of the folks he came into contact with. Before I knew who Jeff was I had several other pastors tell me about his spiritual soundness and his positive attitude. That's why I'm excited that Jeff is my mentor.
I believe Weston UMC will benefit from this relationship as much as I will. And I also believe that many folks in our church could benefit from one another. Could you be a mentor? Who would you mentor? Consider asking God to help you answer those two questions this week:)

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

This Sunday: John 3

Just a heads up for those of you reading ahead in John; this Sunday's message will be on John 3, not John 2. In order to get through the Gospel of John in four months I will have to occasionally skip chapters. If you have time, read both chapters 2 and 3 for this weekend. I'm looking forward to it!

This Mornings Devotion

My morning devotionals have centered around the book "Spiritual Direction and Meditation", by Thomas Merton. I read a small section and then meditate by clearing my mind and asking God to lead my morning prayer process. Sometimes I immediately lift up others and sometimes I focus on only a word or a phrase that I feel God is leading me in for personal reflection. Here are a few of my favorite quotes from this morning:

"Meditation is for those who are not satisfied with a merely objective and conceptual knowledge about life, about God - about ultimate realities." - p. 53

"Meditative thought is simply the beginning of a process which leads to interior prayer and is normally supposed to culminate in contemplation and in affective communion with God." - p. 54

Monday, July 13, 2009

Hospitial Visit- Joan T.

I visited Joan T. this afternoon. She is in the ICU and still recovering from the bypass surgery she had three weeks ago. Her husband, Joe, was there being super supportive. She is making good progress but will remain in the ICU until the medical staff believes she is ready to transfer out. Please continue to pray for Joan's recovery and for the family as they stand faithfully by her side.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Way to go VBS!

I'm not sure I can brag enough on the great VBS that we had last week with Weston Christian Church. I was so impressed with how all of our adult and youth leaders worked together to teach our children about what it means to be followers of God. It was lead incredibly well on all levels. And I'm not sure I have ever heard such awesome VBS music before! I loved our worship! So thank you to everyone who invested in the children of the Weston community (which includes my daughter:) last week. Job well done!

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Daddy-Daughter Day

Alexis and I visited Bean and Sugar Lakes today. I dropped my pictures on Facebook. If you don't have a Facebook account you can still view the pictures at: We really enjoyed Sugar Lake (Lewis and Clark) and I would suggest it to anyone looking for a great place for a picnic by the lake, complete with playground and picnic tables!

Friday, July 10, 2009

My book list

So I keep staring at my blank blog page and thinking, "What will I blog about first"? So, I need to get this first one on the road or I'll never get going. I didn't ever have much of a desire to read growing up. I also read very little through college, it's a wonder I graduated. The last three years of seminary has finally created within me more of a desire to read. I would have to say that most of the books I've been assigned in the last three or four years of classes I have actually read! However, I have longed for the day when I could actually choose my reading list. Well, on the bottom of my blog page you can see my list. Simple Church comes out of my own desire to simplify the way a church approaches discipleship. So far I have enjoyed it, but it does at time conflict with my devotional reading: Spiritual Direction and Meditation. Thomas Merton, a Catholic monk, discusses the fine art of becoming a spiritual director. Where Simple Church says that a clear, simple discipleship process is necessary, Spiritual Direction and Meditation says that the process is different for everyone and spiritual directors should be careful not to package discipleship. I'll share the quotes with you later. Both of them are very good reads so far. I just cracked into The Total Money Makeover tonight. I listen to Dave Ramsey's podcast, so it is a little repetitive so far but I'm sure it will get better. And the Gospel of John is my scripture reading for the next four months of preaching/teaching. It has been very juicy and full of exciting knowledge on the life and purpose of Jesus. John is so different from the synoptic gospels that at times I get a headache trying to figure out why he talks about Jesus (and especially the Pharisees and religious rulers) so differently from the synoptic gospels. So, there is my current reading list and I look forward to making updates soon!